CLAP (Collective Learning Through Antiracist Production) is a project leaded by the Belgian non-profit organisation Média Animation in partnership with Karpos (Greece) and 4Change (Portugal).
The project is co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus+ program.
CLAP project is above all the belief that media literacy is a formidable way of introducing civil and social competences through reflection on democratic values but also through the mobilization of media production skills. Media literacy can also engage an active participation of all, including the most vulnerable and low-literacy skilled people, and foster civic engagement for greater equity. This has long been a step taken by the three project partners, Media Animation asbl (Belgium), Karpos (Greece), 4change (Portugal). Our previous experiences of media expression projects with groups of adults have evidenced it. However, we note that much remains to be done to further promote this approach and make it more effective in the adult sector. While critical media literacy and media production are often opted in the youth field or in the school sector, it is too weak in the adult sector and let alone with vulnerable groups. For this reason, CLAP project focuses on developing critical, methodological and technical skills in relation to the media (mainly audiovisual) among educators and other adult staff. Through training modules, ready-to-use tools and resources for the animation of their groups, the CLAP project aims to make adult groups more autonomous for audiovisual media production. More competent but also more impactful. Indeed, CLAP project seeks to contribute to the fight against racism by promoting media productions which are not only produced by those affected by such discrimination but also spread them in a relevant and effective manner. For this reason, particular attention will also be paid to the visibility and communication of these productions through reflexive and strategic work, carried out by the groups themselves on how amateur media productions can be used as an opportunity of activism.

Média Animation is a non-profit organization specialized in media education, recognized as a resource center for teaching and as an association for non-formal adult education by the Belgian French-speaking Community (Wallonia-Brussels Federation).
It was granted crucial funding to implement research, information, training and educational publication and resources in media education. The association is a member of the higher council of media education of the Wallonia-Brussels federation. Média Animation has been developing an expertise in the field of media education for more than 50 years. It organizes training for animators and teachers (initial and ongoing), research, and organizes or participates in European projects. Média Animation’s educational team includes a dozen trainers specialized in media education as well as a team specialized in the production and realization of communication tools (graphics, sound, video, websites).
Here are some projects leaded by the educational team of Média Animation and related to the topics of the CLAP project:
- À Films Ouverts, a festival of films against racism and for cultural diversity. This project organized each year since 2006 is composed of two initiatives. First a short film contest against racism and for cultural diversity. This contest is open to anyone, especially amateur film makers (schools, young adults, elder people, group of activists, migrants, engaged citizens, etc.). The second initiative is a film festival gathering more than 70 screenings of full-length films and short films from the contest in French-speaking Belgium in March. Each screening is followed by a debate with the public about the issue of racism.
- Media workshops with vulnerable groups (migrants, groups of women, etc.)
- MEET (Media Education for Equity and Tolerance – a European project aiming at promoting a critical and intercultural understanding as well as an aware use of media among young citizens in multicultural public schools and democratic societies.
- Pop Modèles L’étranger au cinéma ( : 3 videos (FR) and analysis to explore the figure of the “foreigner” in the cinema.
Contact for Media Animation asbl
Anne-Claire Orban (ac(dot)acorban(arobase)media-animation(dot)be

KARPOS was founded in Athens, in 2008 to gather competencies and ideas in the field of Media and Education. Karpos develops local and European projects encouraging expression and the exchange of views through the use of media.
We specialise in how image, sound and all new media can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments to empower both young and adult citizens to bring forward their own voices. We believe that image and sound “texts” need to be better understood, as more people of all ages realize the strength of media around them and want to develop visual narratives themselves. Through national and European cooperations, KARPOS develops educational practices giving a special emphasis on critical view and intercultural dialogue. One of the results is the ‘’A suitcase full of sounds and images’’ to train adults and young adults to audiovisual creation. The project was shortlisted for The Evens Education Prize, Critical Thinking as a Practice of Freedom for 2020. Our Workshops involve video production, graphic design, logo creation and the language of images in general have been applied in several High Schools during many EU projects such as Videomuseums, Recording traces of our subjective culture, Youth Docs, APPyour School. Our audiovisual workshops are also implemented in order to promote inclusion and self-expression for vulnerable groups. In developing workshops, KARPOS always create something that is easy to implement and adaptable to the needs of the trainees without losing any of the quality of the material developed. As a result our trainers have been part of varied and multiple projects working with groups of different backgrounds and age groups (senior trainer responsibility for the North Aegean Narratives, photography and video workshops on behalf of the Danish Refugee Council inside a refugee camp, European projects dealing with hate speech and discrimination issues, etc.
KARPOS took part in the EMELS project (Erasmus+ 2015-17) which : a network of media literacy focused organisations in 7 countries, which developed and validated the European Media Literacy Standard for Youth Workers.
Dissemination of our outputs: KARPOS has long lasting collaborations with the Greek National Educational Television, Network for Theater in Education, Primary and Secondary Education Authority of Evia and East Attica, University of Athens, World Wide Fund, British Council, Network for Childrens’ Rights, IOM Greece – We were assigned to write curriculum materials for the Institute of Education and for non profit organisations creating media literacy modules for their causes, including heritage, environment and history. We develop a site with freely accessible material for applying media literacy activities. The methodology is applied in various groups before being recorded and uploaded. We have produced four video tutorials addressing students, teachers and youth trainers about Image, Sound and Documentary making.
Contact for Karpos
+30 2130435978 +306949404003

4Change is a non-profit cultural and social cooperative (NGDO) founded in 2005 to foster global citizenship, communication for development and social impact through participatory, non-formal and artistic tools.
4Change’s approach is based on a transparent and inclusive set of tools and practices – from Theory of Change to Photovoice, from Media Literacy to Civic education or using arts for civic engagement of young citizens, educators and senior citizens.
The topics of our education, awareness raising, advocacy and local participation projects – as well as action research projects – range from social inclusion to civic, media and new literacies, gender and social equality, as well as ethnic/migration/asylum seekers discrimination and inclusion.
Our team stabilised post-pandemic context and our core team works with a pool of experts in a labour fair and sustainable way, engaged in different projects. We presently work with 10 schools, 3 universities and dozens of partners (eg. PNA – National Arts Plan, ERC – Media National Regulator or Lisbon Municipality) to engage more than 60 educators and 700 young people and dozens of adults and senior learners at local level.
Contact of 4Change (Portugal)