Collective Learning Through Antiracist Productions

We support groups of adults in the making of films against racism.

The CLAP project !

The main aims of the CLAP! project are to develop audiovisual skills, give vulnerable adults the chance to express themselves for greater equality, and raise awareness of racism issues through media production. Through training modules, ready-to-use tools and group facilitation resources, the CLAP project aims to empower groups of adults to produce their own films.

So grab your camera and microphone and join other groups of amateur
film-makers to get your message across!

To get inspired before the release of CLAP shorts films !

Eh, Fellaini! by Nour Outojane

A short film made for the short films contest “A Films Ouverts”, organised by Média Animation (Belgium).

Small words by Khatere Vaziri

A short film made in a workshop organised by Karpos (Greece) in the framework of the European project SpeakUp Media for inclusion.

It happens everyday by Luis Vaz Fernandes

This short film from Portugal questions racism and the thine line between humor and offensive comments.
