Description step by step
- Distribute 1 sheet per person in the group. The first 3 to be distributed are Find the Who, the What and the Enemy and Friends. If the group has more than 3 participants, also distribute Find the Why not.
At this stage, you can also introduce narrative constraints to help define the “who,” “what,” or “enemy” by using methods such as photolanguage or the Dixit card game: you ask each participant to choose one image or one card from a big batch you previously selected/print, telling their view about the narrative function departing from the image they chose (eg. I see the villain/enemy in this card depicting a confused brain surrounded by clouds, that is the origin of its evil and its actions etc. etc.). These tools inspire and structure storytelling, encouraging creativity and clarity. - Each person has 10min to write about the ideas that came up addressed to the topic.
- Then, one person must pass the worksheet to the colleague who is on his right and rec eive the sheet from the colleague who is on the left.
- Read what the colleague wrote and complete it. Every 10 minutes, they change the sheets. They should always read and complete something else.
- Tell the story! – make a 3’ final pitch to the group – or to all groups