Movie set – 5d. set the Voice on a Walk

Category: Sound


To master direct sound recording / Identify the optimal use of the available microphone(s) / Identify the imperatives of sound, when the recording is combined with the shooting of images / Getting to know the members of the group and the place where the creative workshop takes place.

Short Description:

Participants will dive into the technique of recording a person speaking while in motion.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 6



Number of participants

Ideal with groups between 4-12 people

  • Sound recorders
  • Microphones and headphones
  • Listening equipment
  • Camera

As you have already explored different techniques of sound making, now you are ready for the next step of creating, adding diversity messages and speaking out about antiracist issues. Sound can really play an important role as it can transfer a message quickly and quite clearly.

Can science fiction scenes be turned into a diversity debate?Follow step by step the following exercises to discover it!

Description step by step

  • Form groups of 2 people.
  • Distribute a recorder, microphone and headphones to each group
  • Test the possibilities offered by the microphone: does it have to be placed right in front of the mouth to catch a decent sound? Or Is it a “boom” microphone that should be placed at a distance, directed towards the source of sound?
  • Suggest that each person prepares 2-3 questions in order to get to know the other person better.
  • The instruction is to conduct the interview “on the move”, in one take.
  • Gather the group and listen to the sound recordings. Discuss the difficulties encountered, the listening problems they cause.
  • Carry out the same exercise collectively, but add video recording as well – and gather again to see and hear the recordings. Is it still possible to record the voice correctly without the microphone being in the frame of the image?
  • List collectively the elements that will allow optimal use of the available microphone(s),  with or without taking images.

Tips for the trainer

Remind the participants: For a documentary project, it can be useful to first do a static interview in a quiet place. This ensures that you have a “clean” sound version of what the person has to say .

You can then try to interview the person “live”, in the place where they live or work. It is more lively and dynamic… but much more complex.

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