Low level – 5c. The sound of silence

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Category: Sound


Developing curiosity during listening / Being aware that it is difficult to find places that are free of sound / Identify the richness of our soundscapes.

Short Description:

Have you ever actively listened to silence? In this activity, participants are encouraged to record moments of silence, exploring how it differs from mere absence of sound and discovering the subtle nuances within it.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 6


30 minutes

Number of participants

No limit, ideally two or three people per recorder (larger groups make the collective listening activity longer)

  • Sound recorders
  • Microphones and headphones
  • Listening device.

Description step by step

  • Form sub-groups and distribute a recorder to each.
  • Give each group the task of finding a place where they can record a minute of silence.
  • Bring the group together, and listen to the collected sounds.
  • Collectively notice all that one hears when one listens carefully: the material which composes this soundscape.

Tips for the trainer

Encourage collective listening to a sound, a podcast, a piece of music: everything is good to sharpen the ear.

It is very useful to record a few minutes of “silence” at each shooting location. When editing, these pieces of sound could be useful to connect shots with each other and cover for discontinuities in sound recording.

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