Low level – 2a. Is it just an object?

Category: Photography


To be familiar with basic rules and steps of building a narrative and a storyboard: protagonist/s, starting point, challenge/the moment of no return, moment of transformation.

Short Description:

Each group chooses a common, everyday object, which they should photograph in three specific and distinct ways, which trigger their fantasy according to the activity script.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 3


40 minutes

Number of participants

Adaptable. Work in pairs or small groups, depending on the numbers of cameras available.

  • Any camera (mobile phone camera, tablet camera, DSLR camera, analog camera) for each group.
  • USB cables,
  • charged batteries,
  • projector or laptop to screen a/v materials.

Description step by step

  • Divide your group into smaller groups of 3-4 people 
  • Each group must choose one object (not too small as a pin, big enough to handle and carry if needed)
  • Start shooting the object according to the following instructions:
  • In its actual use. At this point, topics worth discussing with each group are how they usually see this object, what this object means to the majority of people. 
  • The object as we would never see it. Try to create a non-realistic image of an object giving it a completely different meaning. Although it can be entertaining, it cannot be related to any sense of “reality” and “truth”. 
  • Each group must choose one shot for each category
  • Project and discuss the results and the different interpretations.

Tips for the trainer

Start with a simple object but not very small. For example a cup. You can use it to drink water, as a hat, as a hole or as the  mouth of an  imaginary person! Leave your imagination free.

In case you haven’t got access to a projector or a big screen, use your mobile for shooting as well as  sharing the images. Remember to set your mobile to horizontal  display!

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