Low level – 1a. Lego journey

Category: Storrytelling


To be familiar with basic rules and steps of building a narrative and a storyboard: protagonist/s, starting point, challenge/the moment of no return, moment of transformation.

Short Description:

This is an activity to stimulate creativity through the creation of an image script based on 4 simple squares, and 4 simple instructions..


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 2


40 minutes

Number of participants

Adaptable (ideal groups between 10-30 people).

  • One A4 sheet per participant
  • One pen per participant
  • Lego blocks and/or minifigures (adaptable quantity in order to allow each person in the group to create a model of their story)
  • Post-its, stickers
  • coloured paper
  • glue in stick/blu-tack
  • scissors (to cut the materials) to decorate and characterise the Lego blocks
  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Projector (to project the timer)

Description step by step

Our brain has a curious way of solving problems. To help you, let’s draw instead of writing; and let’s do it quickly.

  • Fold an A4 sheet into 4 squares – cut them out.
  • You have one minute to draw the protagonist/s of your story on one of the paper squares
  • You have one minute to draw on one of the paper squares, the initial environment/the starting point of your story
  • You have one minute to draw on the third  paper square the challenge/problem that the protagonist/s will face
  • You have one minute to draw on the fourth square the transformation moment of the problem/challenge you imagined
  • You have two min. to take a breath and to put together your story
  • The group divides into pairs and has 4 minutes for both to tell their story based on the 4 squares drawn and receive feedback from their partner
  • the protagonist
  • the starting point
  • the challenge/the moment of no return
  • the challenge/the moment of no return

Now, you have a Display of Stories. Invite all groups to visit it and exchange feedback (it is a nice moment to break the ice and start exchanging ideas with the working groups).

Tips for the trainer

Use a timer/stopwatch to count the time as much as possible, or ideally have a time counter visible to the whole group (e.g. time projected on a screen).

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