Advanced – 6c. VJ-ING

Category: Editing


To learn to use editing software in a fun way / To “sharpen your eye” and your sensitivity to images.

Short Description:

To learn using editing software, it is interesting not to have to burden yourself with a story or a logic to follow. This activity will allow you to learn to exploit the full visual potential of the available footage, and to edit it in relation to the tempo imposed by the music.


Module 2 > chapiter 3 > section 6


120 minutes

Number of participants

Up to 10

  • Computer(s) with editing software and sound system
  • Possibly a projector
  • All the files needed previously downloaded on every computer.

Description step by step

  • Before the workshop you should import the VJing Activity folder on each computer available for the activity. Then learn how to use the editing software (including cropping, slow motion and fast motion effects, color effects on the images, etc.).
  • Facing the screen, the trainer shows the basic editing operations on the software.
  • The trainer divides the group into sub-groups: one per available computer.
  • In the Music folder each sub-group chooses the song they like and places it on a soundtrack in the editing software.
  • Each sub-group then picks from the Video Samples folder and edits the images with the chosen music.
  • Help each group that has a technical problem or cannot do what they want with the images.
  • Once the set-up is complete, the lights are turned off, the sound is turned up, the creations are projected and the party begins.

Tips for the trainer

About VJ-ing meaning: The DJ is a “Disk Jockey”: he mixes music. In the same way, a VJ is a “Video Jockey”: he mixes images to music in a nightclub.

If possible, place the computers in different rooms to allow comfortable editing for each group.

Every video file has a different format… and it is important to show the participants how to resize all images to fit the film’s export format.

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