Advanced – 3d. Shooting with natural and artificial light

Category: Video


To become familiar with different sources of light 

Short Description:

In this activity you will create 2 different shots using different sources of light to create a variety of feelings or mood.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 4


20 minutes

Number of participants

Adaptable. Work in pairs or small groups, depending on the cameras you have. 

  • Video camera
  • tripod
  • table light optionally
  • Any kind of computer you can download the AV material and watch it.
  • You can use a projector as well.

Now that you have practised  a lot using different techniques, you are  ready for the next step. The exercise below focuses on making you think about the diversity-equality message of your story. The following video exercise will give you hints about how you can make  small changes which can provide your movie with a different message. Our intention is to make you think and come up with ideas about applying diversity in  your movies through the simple step of brainstorming!

Remember to be sensitive to the messages you receive from  your environment and your group members.

Description step by step

  • Find an indoor spot by a window with natural light and film someone sitting nearby for one min while for example reading a book. 
  • Then do the same but add an artificial light, ex. turn on the room light or a table light. 
  • Watch the shots and discuss the different results. Answer  questions like:
  • In which case  would you use each scene?
  • Which one do you prefer and why?
  • Do any of them cause any feelings?
  • What doesn’t work and why (the backlight, light temperature, shakiness, etc.)
  • Do you notice any differences of shade in your shots?

Tips for the trainer

Remind the participants: Be careful when you film with your camera in auto setting and you are moving from indoor to outdoor or the opposite. You will notice that there will be some very dark or very bright parts in your shots. This happens because the camera is trying to give you the best result in different light situations.

Watch this video on Youtube for more tips : How to film using natural light indoorsDIY Cinematic Lighting Setup

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