Advanced – 2b. Portray a portrait

Category: photography


To be familiarized with approaching people and taking their photographs/ To become familiar with capturing emotions and the character of a person or the feelings of a group. 

Short Description:

This activity focuses on creating the portrait of a person or a group in different situations and for different reasons, aiming at a variety of emotions.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 3

Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 4


60 minutes

Number of participants

Adaptable. Work in pairs or small groups, depending on the cameras you have

  • Any camera (mobile phone camera, tablet camera, DSLR camera, analog camera )
  • USB cables
  • Charged batteries
  • Projector or laptop to screen a/v materials

Description step by step

Make three different exercises or combine those you want:

  • Portrait and feelings
  • Break the group into pairs. 
  • Do a short brainstorming of the possible feelings that could cause the different use of angles and framing.
  • Make 3 different portraits of your partner to show three different emotions e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, using different angles, kinds of shots, poses and faces
happy woman in front of a wihte background
upset woman in front of a wihte background
  • Who are you? 
  • Break the group into pairs
  • Make a photographic portrait of your partner that shows his/her character. You have to do it in 3 different shot sizes.
  • Group photography 
  • Choose a picture of a  group portrait from a magazine
  • Try to make an identical photograph as much as possible. 
  • Then make a couple of shots from different angles and distances and see; What happens, What are we expecting? Then make a couple of shots from different angles and distances and discuss with your group if the meaning and the feeling you get of the three images is different between them.

Tips for the trainer

Spend a little more time to get to know the people you are going to photograph and make them feel comfortable and trustful . This is the best way to make good portraits.

In case you haven’t got access to a projector or a big screen, use your mobile for shooting as well for sharing the images. Remember to set your mobile to horizontal  display!

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