Advanced – 1b. Quick storyboard

Category: Storrytelling


To be familiar with basic rules and steps of building a narrative and a storyboard: protagonist/s, starting point, challenge/the moment of no return, moment of transformation.

Short Description:

This is an activity that continues Lego Journey, thinking about the story through images, sketches or drawings.


Module 2 > chapiter 2 > section 3


40 minutes

Number of participants

Adaptable (ideal between 10-30 people).

Description step by step

  • Print the storyboard template provided.
  • Do a brainstorming with your group about the scenes you want to shoot.
  • Fill the board and have in mind good details for your description. You can draw, attach images from magazines, etc. – or you can make a “photo board” thanks to smartphone and a printer: useful to connect with the set
  • Spend max. 5 min on  each frame.

Tips for the trainer

Suggest the use of the “emotionality rule” when picking a camera angle: imagine you have a character in front of you. The closer you are, the more intimate the shot becomes. The further away, the less emotion you feel for the character.
There’s more emotion if the character is right in front of the camera and looking straight at it – less emotion if the character looks to the side or stands with his back to you. 

Suggest  the use of multiple shots (which break the action into ‘pieces’) or  one continuous shot (producing a “one shot video”).

Suggest watching as many short films as possible.

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